What took place for National Gardening Week 2023?\n\n

The theme for National Gardening Week in 2023 was ‘create your Coronation container’ to celebrate His Majesty King Charles III and his love of horticulture. The King is known as a champion of the environment and a supporter of the nation’s passion for gardening, so we invited people to produce jubilant planting schemes to mark the beginning of his reign.

Inspired by the Coronation?\nLet your imaginations run wild by creating colourful planting schemes or displays in whatever space you have available, whether that is a window box, a hanging basket, or even an old pair of wellies. You could also feature a nod to His Majesty in the form of his favourite flower, the delphinium, or perhaps Alchemilla mollis, the preferred plant of Queen Camilla."},"type":"Text"}"> Find ideas to get you started","displayType":{"name":"Carousel","id":1},"items":[{"id":"0","uniqueId":"87641138-b332-46e6-bc1d-2cdc702f1e88","name":"How to prepare your pots for planting"},{"id":"0","uniqueId":"1b9ecf71-3ad1-4e7e-8ec1-c2b343d2abcb","name":"How to plant a hanging basket"},{"id":"0","uniqueId":"b271c403-c24a-4132-baa1-87a247987bb0","name":"How to get your patio party-ready"},{"id":"583","uniqueId":"","name":"Containers: planting up"},{"id":"577","uniqueId":"","name":"Containers: summer selection"},{"id":"350","uniqueId":"","name":"Container maintenance"},{"id":"1054","uniqueId":"","name":"Pots and container habitats"},{"id":"142","uniqueId":"","name":"Herbs in containers"},{"id":"321","uniqueId":"","name":"Fruit in containers"}],"sortType":{"name":"Priority","id":2}},"type":"AdviceProfileCarousel"}"> \n
\nThe week also raises awareness of the difference that gardens and gardening can make to the lives of everyone in the UK. It helps to inspire more people, particularly the next generation of gardeners, to experience the joy of growing and creating beautiful green spaces.","leftImage":"","rightText":"","rightImage":"/getmedia/6cf4c8e1-c489-4ac6-944d-f482f3f6a396/Planting-up-a-hanging-basket.jpg?width=940&height=627&ext=.jpg","rightLinkText":"","rightLink":"","title":"What is National Gardening Week?","rightHeading":"","leftHeadingStyle":{"name":"H3","id":2,"displayOrder":3},"leftHeading":"","headingStyle":{"name":"H2","id":1,"displayOrder":1},"introStyle":{"name":"Summary small","id":1,"displayOrder":1}},"type":"TextTwoColumn"}">

